Who Cooks For You Farm

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CSA Summer Newsletter: October 9th, 2023 (Week 20/23)

Howdy Folks,

The On Farm Saturday event for this coming weekend was postponed until the following weekend, 10/21. This is due to inclement weather, with lots of rain and strong winds in the forecast. If you’d like to attend the rescheduled event on October 21st, please register using the attached link. If you have registered for this upcoming Saturday, please re-register on the new link so we can keep a count. 

We will still be having soup and salad, a scavenger hunt, farm tours, and a garlic social. There are also plenty of activities in the surrounding areas, if you’d like to make a day of it. Please see the invite email titled “On Farm Event” for links to Cooks Forest, the Mahoning Dam, and some local lodges/campsites.

If you are attending the On Farm Sunday event, it will still be hosted this coming weekend, 10/15. We suggest you wear boots, as the rain may make the ground a bit muddy! 

Also, if you have not signed up for a Fall CSA share yet, but would like to, here is the link for that: Fall CSA Sign-Up. The Fall CSA runs for 7 weeks, beginning the second week of November and ending the third week of December. 

Your Farmers

Chris, Aeros and the Who Crew!