Really wonderful to work with when ordering a CSA, and to meet in person at the Pittsburgh area farmers markets. Hardworking and nice folks with great, naturally-grown local produce to Pittsburgh. Sam-Anne, Market Customer
Market CSA
Our Market CSA offers flexibility, choice and connection!
How it Works
As a Market CSA member....
From the beginning of May - the week of Thanksgiving in November, we are open Saturday & Sunday at the Bloomfield and Squirrel Hill Pittsburgh farmers markets. Shopping with us via Market CSA: you can choose anything you want in any quantities you desire from any of our farmer's market stands. If you miss a market, no big deal! You shop when you can.
Your investment into our Market CSA is creating your own food security and at the same time this financial investment in our farm will ensure our continued efforts to bring you fresh certified organic produce. This investment has no expiration date and you get all the flexiblity of buying whatever you want, and however much you want, whenever works for you.
You receive a 10% bonus on the value of your purchase.
There is no cash exchange after you join our Market CSA, you make a lump sum financial investment in the season, anywhere from $100 - $1000 and you can draw from these funds throughout the season.
You do this by purchasing an “eGift Card”online. This establishes a credit balance with our farm before you come to shop at any of our markets. Each time you shop with us, your purchase amount is deducted from your credit balance. This “eGift Card”, is not a physical card and the confirmation number is not a credit card number. When you checkout at the market, your first and last name is all we need. Be sure to use a name you remember when creating your eGift Card. When you have a nickname or a shortened name it’s best to use the same name you use on official documents, this makes this more simple on our end.
We accept new Market CSA Members throughout the growing season. The purchase happens in the same manner at any time of year and maybe takes 5-10 minutes at most.
The Value of your eGift Card does not expire. Each time you shop your purchase is deducted from your invested credit. When you have diminished all the funds on your account you can simply get yourself a new gift card. You will receive an e Gift card number. Please keep this number somewhere special, this number will you allow you to track your balance from the link below on this page. When you receive your confirmation email please follow any prompts to be sure that you will be getting regular receipts texted or emailed to you.
Please follow this link to Check the balance on your Market CSA eGift card
You must sign up for our newsletter to receive important farm updates here. Follow us on Instagram to see what we’re doing on the farm and bringing to farmers markets. We can’t say we are the best or most frequent social media posters these days, but ever now and again we may surprise you.
Any other questions?
Please contact us!
“We love love love the Who Cooks for you farm market CSA. I've lost count of the number of years we have participated, friends told us about this great program which immediately appealed to my family because we can choose the vegetables we want.”
—Jessica Morowitz