CSA Summer Newsletter: September 25th, 2023 (Week 18/23)

Acorn, Mashed Potato, and Honeynut Squashes.

Howdy Folks,

Fall is an amazing time to eat produce.  The variety of foods that can be available is nothing short of amazing.  As we approach winter, Fall is the time to put food away for the cold months when we can’t grow anything outside. 

Aeros and I are in a mad sprint to make all of our fermented foods that we really enjoy eating all winter long with most meals.  The Fall temperatures are low enough that the ferments age well and impart all the flavors we’re looking for.  We’re doing them all today!!! 

So, I’ll quickly share with you all what we like to eat.

With most of our ferments we do a ratio of 5lbs vegetable to 3 Tablespoons of salt.  We never add water since it’s super fresh produce.

This ratio never lets us down.

Sauerruben - fermented scarlet queen turnips.  This might be the most flavorful and simple one we make.  The turnips are shredded and salt added.  The ferment will turn out well when the juices from the vegetables fill the container and submerge the vegetables and they stay in the juices.

Sauerkraut - any cabbage cut up with salt added.  Same deal as above with the sauerruben.

Kimchi Spinoff - Cabbage or bok choy, Carrots, Onion, Garlic, Hot Peppers and whatever else you like.  So, we just make a combination of these vegetables at the same ratios: 5 lbs vegetable to 3 Tablespoons salt.

In the fall we’ll let these sit for approximately 3 weeks.  It’s key to understand that you can taste this everyday.  We store it all in ball glass jars in the refrigerator for the whole winter.  We just finished last year's ferments this month.

If anyone would be interested in making some ferments like these, you can get ingredients in our online market and set yourself up for winter.

There is an enormous amount of information online about fermenting vegetables so you’ll likely answer all your questions there.  We learned from Sandor Katz, he’s the guy who has brought on the resurgence of fermenting back to our culture at large!  Here’s a link to his website.  If you are interested in learning more and like to have recipes at your fingertips, without seraching online, a wise investment is his first book, “Wild Fermentation” this is the book both Chris and I started working with independently, and have together come back to again and again when we are looking for ideas or have any questions.

We’re, also, happy to help.  So feel free to shoot us an email if you have any specific questions about this. 

Your Farmers

Chris, Aeros and the Who Crew!

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