Instructions for Picking Up Your CSA Share - Overview
Arrive at your pick-up site during the pickup window. If you are running late, please notify your host or the farm.
Bring a bag, basket, box, or large insulated bag to collect your share. We ask that members please leave all produce boxes at the pickup site to be returned to the farm.
When you arrive at your pickup site, the first step is always to find the red clipboard to check the sign-in sheet. The sign-in sheet will tell you what size share to take, and any optional shares you may have that week.
Once you have checked the sheet find a box with your name on the label. Double check that it’s just one box. If there is a 1-2 or 2-2 written on your label, then you should be looking for two boxes with your name on them.
Look carefully at your label on your share box, here you will find a list of what add on shares you should take from coolers.
Please leave the box that your share came in. Please flatten it or nestle it with the other boxes.
For information on Where/When to pick up your CSA, How to contact your site host, How to change your pickup site, and how to place a vacation hold, please visit our FAQ page or contact the farm.
We will be emailing you close to the beginning of each season with pertinent pick up site info. SO please whitelist our email, you can do this by simply writing “hi” in an email to us.
Always email or call/text us at 814-221-7177, if you have any questions.