High quality produce. The CSA is generous with lots of variety, and the folks involved are communicative and transparent. -Josh, CSA Member


Traditional CSA

Each week we craft your Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) vegetable share to include a diversity of seasonal, super fresh and popular vegetables. Your share will be delivered to a pickup location of your choice in your community.

We curate your weekly shares to include:

  • Cooking greens

  • Salad greens

  • Fresh herb or allium

  • Fruits and Melons

  • Snacking Veggies

  • Cooking veggies

  • Something Starchy

100% of the vegetables in your share are certified organic and grown here at Who Cooks For You Farm. Along with your veggies, we send weekly emails with news about the farm or farmers reflections, veggie storage tips, cooking tips and recipes that are helpful for cooking the veggies you receive in your CSA each week.

CSA Shares Plans & Pricing

All shares will be prorated if you sign up after the season begins.

2025 Summer Season CSA

The Summer CSA runs 24 weeks from the last week of May thru the first week of Nov. We offer 3 share sizes to best fit the needs of different sized households & we have a farmer’s choice box or a customizable box with the option of being delivered weekly or bi-weekly.

Farmers Choice CSA Shares

  • Small share includes 5-7 items for $27.00/week)

    Weekly Small $648.00 (24 weeks)

    Biweekly Small $324.00 (12 weeks)
    The small share is perfect for an individual, a small family or a household that cooks at home a few times a week. If you need less than a small we now offer a biweekly small.

  • Medium share includes 7-9 items for $33.00/week

    Weekly Medium $792.00 (24 weeks)

    Biweekly Medium $396.00 (12 weeks)
    The medium share is perfect for a household of 2-4 that like to cook three to four times a week.

    • Large share includes 10-12 items for $45.00/week

      Weekly Large $1080.00 (24 weeks)

      Biweekly Large $540.00 (12 weeks)
      The large share is perfect for vegetarian families as well as for folks who like to cook or eat raw veggies five times a week.

    • New for 2025 our Customizable CSA Shares we are trying out for summer season only.

      It's a great share for veggie lovers that want to choose what seasonal veggies they receive each week. There is $4 customization fee included in the share price.

    • You can fully edit your box contents! 

    • Small share (5-7 items) $31.00

    • Medium share (7-9 items) $37.00

    • Large share (10-12 items) $49.00

2025 Spring Season CSA

The Spring CSA is 5 weeks (2nd to last week of April - 2nd of last week of May). We offer one size share.

All shares will be prorated if you sign up after the season begins.

  • One size fits all spring share (5 items): $135.00 ($27.00/week)
    There is only one size for the spring shares. Many items in the spring CSA share are fresh eating salad greens or cooking greens and herbs. Towards the later part of May some roots will accompany the greens in your veggie box.

2025 Fall Season CSA

The Fall CSA is 6 weeks (begins the 2nd full week of November and goes til the 3rd full week of December). We offer three sizes. Small, Medium and Large, and only weekly deliveries. As for delivers that fall the week of Thanksgiving all deliveries will all be on Tuesday for this week.

  • Small share (5 items)

    $162.00 ($27.00/week)
    The small share is perfect for an individual, a small family or a household that cooks at home a few times a week.

  • Medium share (7 items)

    $198.00 ($33.00/week)
    The medium share is perfect for a household of 2-4 that like to cook three to four times a week.

  • Large share (7-10 items)

    $270.00 ($45.00/week)
    The large share is perfect for folks who like to cook or eat raw veggies five times a week.

Optional Shares

Coffee Share

Local Pittsburgh CSA Coffee Share.jpg

We offer Building New Hope and El Porvenir as an optional coffee share. Building New Hope is a non-profit company based in Pittsburgh. The coffee comes from El Porvenir, a worker-owned cooperative in Nicaragua. This coffee is certified organic, bird-friendly & shade-grown by farmers who are paid more than fair trade prices. The money generated from coffee sales has created so much for their communities, such as training centers, schools and literacy programs getting kids off the streets, projects for women, community organizing initiatives, and alternative energy projects.

This is why we drink this coffee.

The coffee is distributed by Building New Hope and roasted specifically for our order at Washington County's 19 Coffee Company the week before each distribution.

The optional coffee shares are available for weekly or bi-weekly delivery for all seasons.

Spring, Summer & Fall CSA Coffee Prices are as follows:

  • Whole Bean Regular Medium Roast: ($13/week)

  • Spring $39

  • Summer Season $156

  • Fall Season $52

  • Whole Bean Espresso: ($14/week)

  • Spring $42

  • Summer Season $168.00

  • Fall Season $56

  • Whole Bean Decaf: ($14/week)

  • Spring $42

  • Summer Season $168.00

  • Fall Season $56

We will deliver 1 lb. of coffee every other week to your pick up site with your produce.

Mushroom Share

Local Pittsburgh CSA Farm Mushroom Share.jpg

We are partnering with growers and wild harvesters at the Real Fungi Food Hub to offer you the very best, fresh-harvested, chemical-free, locally-grown and cultivated artisan mushrooms, as well as locally & sustainably foraged wild mushrooms. We sell alongside Real Fungi at the Farmers Markets and know their mushrooms to be super high quality. The share is $8.50, and each week you receive a ½ pound of mushrooms.

  • Spring Season

    Weekly $42.50 (5 weeks)

  • Biweekly $25.50 (3 weeks)

  • Summer Season

    Weekly $204 (24 weeks)

    Biweekly $102 (12 weeks)

  • Fall Season

    Weekly $51 (6 weeks)

    Biweekly $25.50 (3 weeks)

    Varieties rotate from week to week and include Shiitake, Lion’s Mane, Blue Gray & Gold Oyster, & Shiitake, as well as seasonal wild favorites like Chanterelle, Chicken of the Woods, and Hen of the Woods if the weather provides them the proper growing conditions..

Fruit Share

Local Pittsburgh CSA Farm Fruit Share.jpg

We partner with Woolf Farms from Northeastern, Ohio and Durgin Orchards of South central PA to bring you the fruit share.  These farms are known for their high quality and exceptional fruits. We couldn’t be happier to offer their fruit to you. They manage their orchards using the IPM method, Integrated Pest Management. The fruit share is not organic.

The fruit share runs for 16 weeks ( it begins the 3rd full week of July and goes through the last week of October for the Summer shares, and throughout the whole fall season). The shares begin with peaches that run through just before the end of August. If we are lucky we are able to get a couple weeks of plums and maybe some pears. This 2025 summer we are hoping for some grapes. Come the end of September apples fill the shares for the remainder of the season. Woolf has an amazing diversity of apples, from fresh eating to cooking, tart to sweet, so be prepared for a weekly scrumptious treat! 

The fruit share is $7.50 per week, and each week you receive 3 lbs. of fruit.

  • Summer Season

    Weekly Share $120 (16 weeks)

    Biweekly Share $60 (8 weeks)

  • Fall Season

    Weekly Share $45 (6 weeks)

    Biweekly Share $22.50 (3 weeks)

Cheese Share

We are partnering with several western Pennsylvania creameries to bring you some of the very best locally made cow and goat cheese.

We are partnering with several western Pennsylvania creameries to bring you an assortment of the best Artisan Cow & Goat cheese available in our region. The majority of the packs of cheese each week will weigh in at 8oz., but there are a few varieties that weigh 6oz. The cheese shares is $8/week. The diverse line up of soft & hard cheeses will be sourced directly from the farmers at

Goat Rodeo in Allison Park, PA.

Clover Creek Cheese Cellar in Williamsburg, PA.

Pleasant Lane Farms in Latrobe, PA.

Cherish Creamery in Reynoldsville, PA.

Pasture Maid in New Castle, PA.

  • Spring Season

    Weekly share $40 (5 weeks)

    Biweekly share $24 (3 weeks)

  • Summer Season

    Weekly share $192 (24 weeks)

    Biweekly share $96 (12 weeks)

  • Fall Season

    Weekly share $48 (6 weeks)

    Biweekly share $24 (3 weeks)

Egg Share

Our egg share is brought to you by Danny & Josie Miller from Hilltop Farm. They are just a 10 mile drive from our farm. Their hens are out on pasture and and they are feed Non-GMO grain. They have a life free to roost & lay in the hen house or graze in the pasture. The egg share is only available weekly at $6 per dozen and $3.25 per half dozen.

  • Spring Season

    1 dozen $30 (5 weeks)

    half dozen $16.25 (5 weeks)

  • Summer Season Biweekly shares now available!

1 dozen $144 (24 weeks), $72 (12 weeks)

half dozen $78 (24 weeks), $39 (12 weeks)

  • Fall Season Biweekly shares now available!

    1 dozen $36 (6 weeks), $18 ( 3 weeks)

    half dozen $19.50 (6 weeks), $9.75 (3 weeks)