Summer CSA Newsletter: September 17th, 2024 (Week 17)
Pumpkins are here!
Hi Folks,
Week XVII.
The first day of Autumn is this Sunday! We are welcoming in the cooler nights with goldenrod adorning the hillsides and the leaves are beginning to turn colors. The hoop house tomatoes are getting pulled and being prepared for the fall.
Right now we are harvesting summer and autumn foods. This is peak abundance of local food! New this weekend we have sweet potatoes and Tatsoi (a delicious asian cooking green, that is great in stirfry!! Head Lettuce is back in full effect!! We have Spinach and Arugula back in the bagged greens! If you want a diverse spread on your table, please come on out! Tis the season!!! It’s cooking time again, the leeks are looking great, and they are a great complement to any soup! Kohlrabi, you know we call it the potato chip of the vegetable world, because peel it slice and and salt it, then let it sit and sweat for a couple minute and you’ve got kohlrabi chips!
The sweet onions, oh da la le if you haven’t carmelized any of these yet, you have time, cuz we’ve got thousands of lbs waiting to be eaten in storage!
If you want to focus on summer lovin’ veggies, eat, Peppers, Eggplant, Zucchini, Tomatoes, Green Beans. You can stock up on these! Peppers are super easy to cut up and through into a freezer bag! Eggplant needs to be cooked into a paste like you are cooking babaganosh. Zucchini and green beans need to be blanched before freezing. Tomatoes, well canning these into a sauce or soup is an option, or dehyrating cherry tomatoes is also a treat to whip out on a bleak winter day.
Today we have half the field crew helping prepare for market and the other half is planting out the fall crops into the hoophouses that were just cleared. The turnover is very quick. There is not a moment to be wasted on these last precious days of longer light and warmth!
Thank you for joining us this end of summer into autumn, enjoy the harvest!
Your Farmers,
Chris, Aeros & The Who Crew