Summer CSA Newsletter: July 23rd, 2024 (Week 9)
The scarecrows guarding the melon field.
Hi Folks,
Week IX.
The crows can be a big problem for the melon harvest, as they attempt to eat the melons before they are ripe, and still on the vine. This year, we’ve attempted a few methods to keep the birds away, including using ol’ reliable, scarecrows. These guys guard the fields and make the birds nervous, so they are less likely to eat the melons nearby.
For the unlucky melons that do get damaged by the birds, these end up either in the compost pile, or fed to the pigs, who really enjoy the sweet juicy treat on a hot day.
Cedar and Cyan are pros at picking the good ones. They brought Natalie up to take photos of the fields, and carefully wandered through the rows, inspecting the watermelons until they found one that was perfectly ripe! They then brought it back to the pack shed to cut open and share with the crew.
Your Farmers,
Chris, Aeros & The Who Crew