Summer CSA Newsletter: July 30th, 2024 (Week 10)
Blueberry Bushes.
Hi Folks,
Week X.
We recently lost a good friend of Who Cooks For You Farm. An amazingly friendly man, named Jeff Schwartz. He was always inquisitive and encouraging. He would pop out of the woodwork of life and be our cheerleader. He will be missed and forever remembered. I wanted to just let you know this because this came unexpectedly and it never hurts to be reminded how fragile life is. I only wish I had more time with this person and that this person knew how much we loved him. So, let the folks who you love know you love them. There aren’t as many hours in the day that we wish, but in today’s age maybe since we have communication at our fingertips. If you are thinking of someone let them know… give them a shout out with words, emoji’s or GIF chuckles. I think too many times I have friends come into my thoughts and I’m not in touch. This is what I’ve learned from this loss. I just wish I had been in touch with him more.
This being said, I should say, that many days throughout the season Chris and I speak to each other about how grateful we are to have our CSA members. You are the backbone of our farm and when you have a strong back you can do so much so easily! But when the back is weak, you walk on egg shells. We have a strong farm because we are held up by a strong CSA community. We are very thankful for your steadfast support and we have been able to grow our Who Cooks For You Farm family bigger than ever with your help. We aim to continue fortifying bodies, feeding thousands of families every week organic produce and nurturing the earth for generations to come. CSA is a beautiful cycle of paying forward. One that we plan to continue for as long as we are farming. Thank you for your partnership. Cheers to you being a gear in the system that makes this farm thrive.
Your Farmers,
Chris, Aeros & The Who Crew