Summer CSA Newsletter: August 6th, 2024 (Week 11)
The pouring rain! Woo-hoo!
Week XI.
Hi Folks,
WE GOT RAIN!! We got a 1.65” this week! An aura of green has emerged as the rain has recharged the ground with life! Some plants looked almost dead in their conservation of all the moisture they had in them, and now look lush and lively. It’s amazing how the capacity to thrive is held deep within.
This Thursday morning around 2 am Klinton and his wife Sarah had a baby boy! Everyone was full of smiles as the mother and child are healthy! Know we can call Emerson, Klinton’s brother, Teo Emerson. Sarah worked on and off the farm from age 16 and in the summers while in college. She’s now a nurse and doesn’t work on the farm anymore, but Klinton does. Klinton joined the Who Crew in 2017 and only missed 2020, due to a lock down in Peru. Klinton and Sarah married in 2022. Now we welcome their little one into the Eddyville scene. They will be bringing him home in a matter of days! We can’t wait to meet him!
Birth happens a lot on a farm. We are now seeding plants that we will be harvesting in October & November. Kale, Beets, Spinach, Lettuces are being seeded this week. Little seeds contain life, and life gives energy. Our seeds sit waiting to be seeded in an old unplugged refrigerator. We usually buy enough seed to last us two years, as most seeds hold their germination rate declared by their retailer for about two years. Some veggies don’t but most do. It’s interesting to think of the seeds just waiting until the time is right to sprout and grow. This growth in the beginning requires just water, oxygen, and a proper temperature to germinate. Some plants do require darkness or light to germinate. After germination, this is where all the care comes in. Watering, planting them out, weeding, maybe pruning or trellising, fixing trellis that’s been blown over in heavy wind, then harvest, wash, pack
Your Farmers,
Chris, Aeros & The Who Crew