Summer CSA Newsletter: August 27th, 2024 (Week 14)
Lupine is always waiting to hitch a ride.
Hi Folks,
Week XIV.
Here we go!!! The day started off with a bang and off we went…10 guys up into South Field…We have a couple hours to harvest all the delicate greens and roots that we’ll be sending to market tomorrow.
On top of all the summer vegetables we’re harvesting spinach, broccolini and radishes….After the first hour, it’s already hot! Dang…yet, we always get all the delicate greens first, so there’s no need to worry. We harvest bunched herbs in the second round, roots, and then the not so heat sensitive vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, husk cherries etc…
We are entering peak harvest season. This point in time is very very relieving. In fact, it marks a pivotal time of year when we’re entirely done transplanting out into the field and I have arugula, radishes and turnips to direct seed into the soil. That's it! That is a HUGE part of the operation that has just finished! Greenhouse work is finished, too!
So, we’re like done then, right? Not at all… We can call this part of the year, “boulder season”. All the bins we pick up feel like they’re full of boulders….sweet potatoes, winter radishes, winter squash, pumpkins, cabbages, beets, carrots… I’m babying approx 8 acres of these vegetables and things are looking good…at the moment… (Tshirt idea…. Who Cooks For You Farm…things are looking good…at the moment)
Sure, it’s a lot to get in, not to mention all the greens on top of it. Yet, this is the time of year I absolutely love. This is when I can really take in the fruits of our labor and reflect on yields, varieties, and aesthetics. The days are so beautiful that I almost can’t stand it. The month of September is such a beautiful time of year. It’s also when the crew gets totally jacked! No more sitting on the transplanter. It’s “boulder season”! Let’s move some boulders!
Your Farmers,
Chris, Aeros & The Who Crew