Summer CSA Newsletter: August 20th, 2024 (Week 13)
Fairytale Eggplant!
Hi Folks,
Week XIII.
If you are getting to the point in the season where you are feeling a little overwhelmed with the veggies, don’t forget to check out our Produce Guide on our website. There’s recipe suggestions, and storage tips listed for just about everything we grow here on the farm. Most things can be frozen and saved for later, or try combining a bunch of chopped up veggies for a stir fry or sheet-pan meal.
We have sugar-cube cantaloupes this week! This variety is smaller than the cantaloupes you may be used to seeing, but they are super sweet and delicious, and perfect with some yogurt or fresh cream. Lots of juicy watermelon too.
It’s a busy time of year here at the farm! Friday’s are filled with lots of harvesting, washing, and packing in preparation for the markets. It’s an all-hands-on-deck kind of day to get everything ready for the weekends! There is tons of beautiful food growing this time of year, and it’s a lot of work to get it all cleaned and packed nicely for the markets.
We are hoping to open the registration for our Fall CSA season very soon. This is a 7 week CSA from November 5th-December 19th. The week of Thanksgiving, all shares are delivered on a Tuesday to accommodate for the Holiday. We will be sending out an email sometime next week with the link to sign up, so be on the lookout!
If you have any questions, always feel free to send us an email and and we will get back to you ASAP.
Your Farmers,
Chris, Aeros & The Who Crew