Artisan Tomato


Nutrition Information:

Artisan tomatoes are a rich source of vitamin C and potassium, both of which help to lower stress hormones and build immunity. These tomatoes are bursting with flavor and color.

Storage Tips:

Keep tomatoes on the countertop and out of the sunlight. Store them with their shoulders down — place the stem end onto the counter. This makes them stronger and less likely to crack. Let them sit until no longer firm. Wash before eating. To freeze, blanch tomatoes, and store in a sealed freezer bag. Tomatoes can also be canned in oil.


Artisan tomatoes are delicious all-around, and make a great addition to salads, sandwiches, eaten plain, and just about any other way you can imagine. Use them to make bruschetta, fried tomatoes, salsa, and a variety of salads.

Recipe Ideas: