Cherry Tomatoes


Nutrition Information:

Cherry Tomatoes are a good source of vitamins A, C, and E, as well as B vitamin folate. These veggies are a good snack to help keep you hydrated.

Storage Tips:

Cherry tomatoes are best kept on the counter or on a shelf in a small container. These tomatoes are also delicious canned in olive oil, to keep them flavorful for months.


Cherry tomatoes are delicious eaten fresh, added to salads, chopped up and added to pizzas or pastas, roasted in the oven and smear on toast, and so much more.

Recipe Ideas:

  • Try this Easy Cherry Tomato Confit recipe from Cherry Tomato confit is perfect for storing your cherry tomatoes a little longer, and still enjoying the delicious flavor. Try spreading it on toast, topping pizza, in pasta, and in omelettes and quiches.

  • These flavorful Garlic Roasted Cherry Tomatoes from make a perfect snack or appetizer.

  • From, this Cherry Tomato Salad recipe is simple and tasty.

  • Another yummy salad recipe, the Corn and Cherry Tomato Salad with Basil and Feta from